
Border guards recorded an increase in passenger traffic leaving Ukraine last week due to the end of holidays - Demchenko

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Last week, there was a slight increase in passenger traffic leaving Ukraine due to the end of the Easter holidays, but now the passenger traffic has stabilized at around 80-85 thousand people per day.

Last week, there was a slight increase in passenger traffic, especially for those leaving Ukraine, due to the end of the Easter holidays. Now the passenger traffic has stabilized and remains at the level of about 80-85 thousand people per day. This was announced during a briefing by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, an UNN correspondent reports.

There was a certain increase in passenger traffic leaving Ukraine last week. There was a lot of speculation that this was due to the entry into force of changes to mobilization legislation on May 18, but the dynamics of passenger traffic is related to the end of the Easter holidays. Prior to Easter, passenger traffic was higher for entry into Ukraine. After the Easter holidays ended, it was mostly departing Ukraine. Now it has stabilized and is actually at around 80-85 thousand people per day, as before it could reach 100 thousand people per day

- Demchenko said.

He added that currently, leaving Ukraine does not prevail: on some days, the preference is for entering Ukraine, on some days for leaving, but on average, the dynamics is 50/50.

For example, men could cross the border if they fell under the category of a pass and in accordance with the conditions that allow them to cross the border. Therefore, both before and now, the share of men crossing the border to leave Ukraine is not predominant. Women, children, the elderly and foreigners remain the main category of those crossing the border

- Demchenko added.


State Border Guard Service spokesperson Andriy Demchenko saidthat due to the entry into force of the law on increased mobilization, reservists, persons recognized by the Military Qualification Commission as unfit for military service for health reasons, and those with three or more dependent children under 18 will be able to cross the border.

На виїзд з України утворилися черги, найбільші - до Польщі: яка ситуація на пунктах пропуску17.05.24, 15:58


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