
Border guards expose over 360 organizers of illegal border crossing - Demchenko

 • 21558 переглядiв

Border guards exposed more than 360 organizers who promised to illegally "help" people cross the border during martial law in exchange for money.

During martial law, Ukrainian border guards have exposed more than 360 organizers who promise to help people cross the border illegally in exchange for money. This was announced by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko during a telethon, UNN reports.


"Unfortunately, attempts to illegally cross the border continue. As along the green border, that is, outside the checkpoints, when violators try to simply cross the state border line. Such attempts are also recorded at checkpoints, on roads where it is possible to cross the border legally, but there violators try to use forged documents or bribe inspectors. We record most of the cases in the green zone on the border with Romania and Moldova. There are many cases in Transcarpathia," said Demchenko.

He noted that the violators themselves are often negligent with their lives, as they choose difficult directions, namely through mountainous terrain or through mountain rivers, when there have been repeated cases of deaths of people trying to cross the border in this area.

During martial law, border guards have been actively working to expose schemes and actually establish organized criminal groups that promise people assistance in illegal border crossings. More than 360 such groups have been exposed. These are both organizers and facilitators who promise people in exchange for money that they will help them cross the border illegally. Let me remind you that such actions are subject to criminal liability. Quite often, offenders do not see their organizers, and they ask them for money in advance

- The spokesman added.


Seven men were going to cross the Tisza River to get to Romania. The men paid $4000 each to the smugglers. After waiting until nightfall, the dealers told their "clients" that they would have to cross the river without a boat. On the way to the border, the offenders were stopped by border guards.


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