
Birthday of the emoji, International Pirate Day. What else can be celebrated on September 19

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Today, on September 19, all those who like to exchange messages in messengers and social networks can join the celebration of the birthday of the emoji, UNN writes.

It was on the morning of September 19, 1982, that Scott Vollman, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, sent an email to his colleagues with a set of ":-)" symbols. The man explained to his surprised colleagues that he thought this set of symbols looked like a smiling face, and suggested that they use it to mark their joke messages in the future.

Interestingly, the history of the smiley face as a symbol began even earlier. In 1963, the famous American artist Harvey Bell drew a cheerful smiling face that became the hallmark of an insurance company.

Today we can also celebrate a rather unusual and humorous holiday - International Pirate Day.

The event originated in 1995 in the United States at the initiative of friends Mark Sommers and John Bauer, who were very fond of pirate slang.

For several years in a row, the holiday did not go beyond the American city of Albany, and did not gather a large enough number of like-minded people. But in 2002, the famous American publicist Dave Barry wrote a favorable review of International Pirate Day, and the holiday began to gain more and more fans.

The popularization of this event not only in the United States, but also in other countries of the world was facilitated by the release of the cult movie franchise Pirates of the Caribbean in 2003.

On September 19, events dedicated to Aortic Dissection Awareness Day are held in many countries around the world.

An aortic dissection occurs when the inner layer of the aorta, the largest artery in the body, tears. This tear allows blood to flow between the layers of the aortic wall, which can lead to a tear or dangerous separation of the aortic layers. This is an emergency condition that requires rapid diagnosis and treatment to prevent catastrophic consequences.

If not detected and treated immediately, aortic dissection can lead to fatal internal bleeding or other serious complications. Aortic dissection is often called a "silent killer" because its symptoms can be subtle or can be confused with other conditions, such as a heart attack.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Trofim, Savvatiy, and Dorimedon, who lived in the third century.

According to tradition, Trophimus and Saul came to a pagan festival in Antioch and began to pray that the Lord would convert the pagans to the true path. By order of the ruler, the men were arrested.

Savvatii died of brutal torture. Trokhym was forced to walk for three days in iron boots with nails to another city. There he was thrown into prison, where he was helped by the local Christian senator Dorimedonte.

This angered the ruler. Dorimedonte was also captured and executed along with Trokhym.

On September 15, Trofim, Archip, Cyril, and Mykhailo celebrate their name days.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

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