
Asked to shoot candid videos: in Kiev, a man will be tried for corrupting a child

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A 24-year-old man from the Rivne region will be tried in Kiev for corrupting an 8-year-old girl by asking her to shoot explicit videos.

In Kiev, a 24-year-old man will be tried for corrupting a child. The attacker asked an 8-year-old girl to shoot candid videos for him. This is reported by the Kiev City Prosecutor's office, writes UNN.

Under the procedural guidance of juvenile prosecutors of the Desnyansky District Prosecutor's office of Kiev, an indictment was sent to the Desnyansky District Court of Kiev against a 24-year-old native of the Rivne region. He is accused of committing indecent acts against a young girl, forcing her to participate in the creation of child pornography and possession of child pornography (Part 2 of Article 156, part 4 of Article 301-1, Part 1 of Article 301-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine),

- the message says.


The pre-trial investigation established that in August 2023, the accused began communicating with an 8-year-old girl via Telegram in order to satisfy his sexual passion.

The man, taking advantage of the naivety and credulity of the child, asked her to take candid photos and videos and send them to him. At the same time, the accused acted as the director of such filming, telling the child what to do and how to do it.

Subsequently, the girl told her mother about this, who continued to communicate on behalf of the child in order to understand the man's motives and expose him. Believing that he would continue to communicate with the girl, the accused asked her to send another video and told her how to do it so that her parents would not find out about anything.

When examining the phone of the accused, they found photos and videos that are child pornography. Now he faces up to 15 years in prison.


In the Odessa region, a 25-year-old man was detained for raping a 9-year-old girl . He faces up to 15 years in prison.

Olga Rozgon



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