
Another plus of 1,270 invaders and 14 tanks: the General Staff Updated data on enemy losses

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Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops have lost approximately 511,130 personnel and 7,779 tanks.

The losses of the Russian occupiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine have already reached about 511 130 people, 7779 tanks and hundreds of units of military equipment, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported .


The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 03.06.24 approximately amounted to:

  • personnel-about 511 130 (+1270) people,
  • tanks ‒ 7779 (+14) units,
  • armored combat vehicles - 15002 (+22) units,
  • artillery systems-13280 (+47) units,
  • MLRS – 1090 (+1) units,
  • air defense systems-824 (+3) units,
  • aircraft-357 (+0) units,
  • helicopters – 326 (+0) units,
  • Operational-tactical UAV - 10739 (+40),
  • cruise missiles ‒ 2268 (+0),
  • ships ‒ boats - 27 (+0) units,
  • submarines - 1 (+0) units,
  • automotive equipment and tankers - 18159 (+67) units,
  • special equipment-2199 (+4).

Ще плюс 1130 окупантів і 12 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога01.06.24, 07:33

Lilia Podolyak



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