
Andriushchenko: Occupants are preparing new locations closer to the front line

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An advisor to the mayor of Mariupol said that Russian occupants are preparing new bases closer to the front line based on observations of increased military activity and movement of equipment in the region.

Rapid military movements of the Russian occupiers in the Mariupol region have been recorded. The presence of units in training camps along the Azov Sea has also increased. This indicates that the occupiers are preparing new bases closer to the front line,  said on Wednesday the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko, UNN reports.

Rapid activation in the direction of Nikolske - Maloyanisol / Nikolske - Rozivka and in the direction of Donetsk. Mostly construction and engineering equipment. A large number of trucks transporting household items separately

- Andriushchenko wrote on social media.

Also, according to him, the presence of enemy units in training camps has increased to almost the maximum level along the Azov Sea. 

"Almost a record number since June 2023. New marks are right here. We are watching",  Andriushchenko said. 

In addition, Andriushchenko noted that the occupiers have not reduced the activity of their aviation. This is exactly how the KABs are launched from the north of the Mariupol region. 

Also, a large amount of burned Russian military equipment is delivered to Ilyich Iron and Steel Works to be recycled into scrap metal. 

We are in the stage of not just accumulating, but pulling down reserves. A large number of engineering units and trucks with junk indicate that new locations are being prepared closer to the front line. Zaporizhzhia region is a priority in terms of directions

- summarized Andriushchenko.

Попри віддаленість фронту: Андрющенко повідомив про нову лінію укріплень окупантів16.02.24, 08:49


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