
"Already the 30th case": Romanian border guards found another drowned man in the Tisza

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Romanian border guards found the body of an unidentified drowned man in the Tisza River, the 30th tragic case of a person trying to cross the border.

Romanian border guards found the body of a man in the Tisza River who did not have any documents, the State Border Guard Service reported on Friday, UNN reports.


Romanian border guards reported the discovery of a man's body with signs of prolonged exposure to water. No documents were found on him. The drowned man is currently being identified

- the State Border Guard Service said in a statement.

As indicated, this is the 30th tragic case recorded during an attempt to cross the Tisa border. 

Перевірка військово-облікових документів під час перетину кордону: в ДПСУ розповіли деталі17.05.24, 11:11


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