
About the ships and grain traders who exported stolen Ukrainian grain from the port of Mariupol - Bihus.Info

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Russian occupants filmed themselves loading Ukrainian grain onto ships in the port of Mariupol. Bihus.Info journalists identified at least three of the vessels. They also found out several grain trading companies that appear in the documents on loading grain on these ships. This is stated in their latest material, UNN reports.


According to the materials collected by journalists, the first ship with stolen grain left the port of occupied Mariupol in May 2023. The invaders did not even hide the number and name of the vessels; on the contrary, they boasted about their crimes, filming stories for Russian television.

Repeatedly, the propaganda footage showed the process of loading grain onto the container ships STK-1003 and STK-1016 of the St. Petersburg company Udalenny Marine Terminal and the motor ship Mezhdurechensk, owned by the Rostov-based Reka-More Management Company of Russian entrepreneur Gennady Arustamov, a former tugboat captain. 

The journalists backed this up with information from tracking services confirming that these vessels were in the occupied Ukrainian port and then moved to the ports of Rostov-on-Don, Azov, the Caucasus, and Yeysk.

росія й далі вивозить морем вкрадене українське зерно - ЗМІ12.10.23, 00:25 • [views_351780]

Bihus.Info found out that the photo of the occupiers in Mariupol is managed by the Russian state-owned company Roskapstroy. And it is still not under sanctions in the EU and the UK. However, such actions of the Russians as the export of grain from the occupied territories are subject to criminal liability, as ships do not receive permission from the Ukrainian border service, and there are no Ukrainian authorities in the occupied ports.

According to documents provided to Bihus.Info by the Myrotvorets Center, several companies exported grain from the occupied territories.

In particular, in 2023, all three of these vessels were loaded with wheat by the Russian company Sanagro, registered in Rostov-on-Don at the end of 2022. It belongs to Mykola Mishchuk, who previously ran for office in Ukraine from the Zastup agricultural association and now, according to the Russian company register, has Russian citizenship.

- the journalists noted.

The documents also include the Moscow-based company Zorka Food, registered in the names of Russian Vladimir Naumov and Belarusian Tatiana Pashkevich, and Asta Group, registered in occupied Donetsk and owned by Russian citizen Robert Asatryan.


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