
A Swiss man who fought for Ukraine for two years and deliberately returned home before the peace summit was arrested in Bern

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Legionnaire Jonah Naidhart, who fought for Ukraine for 2 years in the International Legion, knew about the arrest, as military service in favor of foreign countries is illegal in Switzerland, but deliberately returned to Switzerland before the peace summit in Burgenstock. UNN writes about this with reference to the Swiss media outlet Blick.


A teacher from Bern, 36-year-old Jonah Neidhart, has been fighting on various parts of the Ukrainian front since March 2022. Before the peace summit, he decided to return to Bern and voluntarily report to the police, who had to arrest him - according to Swiss law, military service in foreign formations is illegal.

I look forward to my arrest. I stand by my decision to fight for Ukraine, and therefore for democracy

- Neidhart told reporters.

He faces up to 3 years in prison. But it was no accident that he chose to return to Switzerland. This weekend, the Peace Summit is taking place in Burgenstock, where invited guests from around the world are discussing diplomatic ways to end the war.

This conference is a joke. If you really want to help Ukraine, you have to give it the ability to defeat the Russians militarily. You have to break the Russians first. I want to wake up Switzerland and make people here realize how important Ukraine's struggle is. Anything other than a Ukrainian victory will be a defeat for the West and for democracy

- He says.

Naidhart wrote a book about his two years in the war. He cannot understand Switzerland's refusal to provide military support to Ukraine. He says that if people in Switzerland saw the horror that children, families and all innocent people in Ukraine have to endure every day, they would think differently.

Military justice opened proceedings against him in February. He says he is not afraid of going to prison.

After more than two years at the front, I can sleep anywhere. I have a good idea how I will return to Ukraine after my possible imprisonment

- He added.


The Peace Summit is taking place in Burgenstock, Switzerland, on June 15-16. The aim of the meeting of heads of state and government is to develop a common understanding of the path to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. This should become the basis for the peace process.

The summit is held without the participation of russia and China. The Swiss press calls the fact that moscow is not represented at the Peace Summit in Switzerland an advantage, not a disadvantage.

Саміт миру у Швейцарії: Reuters розповіло про настрої європейських чиновників щодо його впливу15.06.24, 12:49

Anastasia Ryabokon



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