
A resident of Kyiv region is sentenced in a case of premeditated murder on the grounds of jealousy

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A resident of Kyiv region is sentenced to 15 years in prison for the murder of his 16-year-old daughter and attempted murder of his 12-year-old son out of jealousy during a quarrel with his wife.

A resident of the Kyiv region who killed his 16-year-old daughter and tried to kill his 12-year-old son has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. UNN reports with reference to the Office of the Prosecutor General.


A court sentenced a resident of Kyiv region who stabbed his daughter in the heart and tried to kill his son. The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Prosecutors proved that on the eve of the murder, during a jealous phone conversation, the convict had a fight with his wife, who was abroad. To take revenge on her, he decided to kill his children - a 16-year-old daughter and a 12-year-old son.

According to prosecutors, the tragic events took place on the night of May 2, 2023:

The defendant, while intoxicated, went to the kitchen and turned on the gas burners. After that, he woke up the children. Realizing the dangerous consequences of her father's actions, the girl wanted to turn off the stove.

Because of this, a conflict arose between them, which escalated into a fight. The children tried to run away from their father, but they could not leave the house because the convict broke off the inner handle of the front door. During the argument, the man stabbed his daughter in the face and chest with a kitchen knife.

She died at the scene of the crime from a stab wound with heart damage. Fearing for his life, the boy took his cell phone and hid in the basement of the house, from where he called the police.


At the request of the prosecutor's office, the man was awaiting a court verdict in a pre-trial detention center.

Розкрито вбивство 86-річного пенсіонера: 47-річному чоловікові загрожує довічне ув'язнення28.06.24, 01:24


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