
In Zaporizhzhia a man shot a local official, the shooter is wanted

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In Zaporizhzhia a man shot at a local official who died in hospital from his injuries, criminal proceedings have been opened, the shooter is being sought.

In Zaporizhzhia a man shot at a local official who died in hospital from his injuries, criminal proceedings have been opened, the shooter is being sought, the Communications Department of the National Police of Ukraine reported on Tuesday.

In the morning, a murder was committed in the center of the Regional Center. The attacker fired four shots at the victim. The latter died of his injuries in hospital the police are conducting urgent investigative and operational measures

- reported to the police.


The police received a report of shooting and wounding a man on June 11 at 07:55.

"Police officers found that near the entrance of a high-rise building, an unknown person fired a firearm at a local official and fled the scene. The victim was taken to a medical facility, where he died while receiving medical care," the police said.

Investigators opened criminal proceedings on this fact. Legal qualification-Part 1 of Article 115 (murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Priority investigative and search actions are continuing.

Готували вбивство поліцейського та місцевого депутата: на Полтавщині судитимуть банду на чолі з кримінальним авторитетом10.06.24, 11:17


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