
A fire engulfed a commuter train near Moscow, passengers were evacuated

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Not far from the Povarovo-1 station in the Moscow region of Russia, a commuter train caught fire, which led to the evacuation of passengers.

In the Russian Moscow region, a commuter train broke out, passengers were evacuated, reports UNN with reference to the Russian Telegram channel 112.

"One of the cars was smoking ... near the Povarovo-1 station. the train was immediately stopped, passengers were evacuated. Previously, no one was injured," the report says.

Traffic on the branch line is temporarily restricted.

According to 112, it is not yet possible to extinguish the warehouse. The fire is spreading rapidly, 4 cars are already burning. The situation is complicated by the fact that the train is partially located on the bridge and it is not easy to find it.

Antonina Tumanova

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