
A bus with 50 Ukrainians was involved in an accident in Romania: 9 citizens were injured

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On June 22, a bus carrying 50 Ukrainian citizens was involved in an accident in Romania, as a result of which 9 citizens received minor injuries, who received consular assistance before continuing their journey in another vehicle.

A bus carrying 50 Ukrainian citizens was involved in an accident in Romania, as a result of which 9 citizens received minor injuries, while all continued their journey in another vehicle, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said in a comment to Suspilne, UNN writes.


"On the morning of June 22, a bus carrying 50 citizens of Ukraine was involved in an accident on the territory of Romania. 9 Ukrainian citizens received minor injuries, " the Foreign Ministry said.

The injured citizens of Ukraine were reportedly provided with consular assistance.

"Now all citizens have continued their journey in another vehicle," the Foreign Ministry said.

У Румунії потрапив у ДТП автобус з 57 українцями, більшість з яких - неповнолітні: є постраждалі17.06.24, 10:57


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