
4000 cars in queues at the border - SBGS spokesman

 • 32820 переглядiв

Four checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border are blocked, with more than 4,000 cars queuing up; efforts to unblock them are underway, while civilian traffic continues to move.

As of this morning, four directions on the Ukrainian border four directions from Poland are blocked - the Rava-Ruska checkpoints, Krakivets, Yagodyn and Shehyni. This was announced on the air of a telethon on Saturday by the spokesman for the Andriy Demchenko, a spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, writes UNN.


According to him, the work is ongoing to unblock the traffic along the entire of the border with Poland.

According to information from Polish border guards, there are more than 4,000 cars are queuing at the border with Ukraine: trucks and vehicles.

Traffic for cars and buses is not blocked, only for trucks. vehicles.

"The movement both in the direction of Poland and Ukraine is happening, but it is much less than it was before November 6, when the blockade began. For example, at the Yagodyn crossing point, 1200-1500 trucks crossed in both directions, while now the border is crossed by about 120-150 trucks in both directions

Demchenko said.

According to the State Border Guard Service, traffic for civilians, vehicles or buses is not hampered either when leaving or entering Ukraine. At the moment, the number of border crossings has increased significantly. Yesterday, for example, 120 thousand vehicles and citizens in both directions.

Демченко розповів, скільки чоловіків-водіїв на міжнародних перевезеннях перетинають кордон21.12.23, 14:44

Lilia Podolyak



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