
17-year-old Ukrainians abroad could be granted a delay on military registration - Vereshchuk

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Currently, a government decision is being prepared that grants 17-year-old Ukrainians who are abroad a postponement for military registration in Ukraine-either until they return to their homeland or until the end of martial law, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said.

Currently, a government decision is being prepared granting 17-year-old Ukrainians who are abroad a postponement for military registration in Ukraine - either until they return to their homeland or until the end of martial law, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said, UNN writes.


"Regarding 17-year-old Ukrainians who are currently abroad: The Defense Ministry says that they should come to Ukraine and register for military service. Legally, the Ministry of Defense is right, because this is how the current rules are written out," she said.

We in the government are well aware that forcing students of non – mobilization age to go to Ukraine to undergo appropriate procedures will only increase the burden on the vlk and will not help in mobilization. Therefore, the relevant resolution has already been developed, it is currently being approved and will be adopted in the near future. Pre – conscripts and conscripts who are currently abroad will be granted a postponement of registration-either until they return to Ukraine, or until the end of martial law

Vereshchuk wrote on Telegram.

When crossing the border, border guards do not take into account the "Reserve+" application, but check only the military registration document - the SBGSU5/23/24, 9:02 AM


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