
Zelenskyy registers draft law on demobilization of conscripts in the Rada

 • 28844 переглядiв

President Zelensky submitted a bill to parliament on the demobilization of conscripts.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has submitted a bill to the Verkhovna Rada on the demobilization of conscripts, UNN reports citing the website of the Verkhovna Rada.


The President submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law on amendments to Chapter XII "Final Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" regarding the terms of regular military service.

The text of the draft law has not yet been published. 

According to MP Oleksiy Honcharenko, MPs may consider the bill as early as Friday, February 23.

"We are waiting for the text, but finally! Fixed-term employees and their families - it's not for nothing that we fought so hard for this!  The draft law can be considered as early as tomorrow!" he said.

ВР розгляне законопроект про мобілізацію у другому читанні, попередньо, 6 березня - нардеп21.02.24, 16:49


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