The detention of Telegram messenger founder Pavel Durov in Paris has strained relations between France and Russia, The Wall Street Journal writes, citing a French official, UNN reports .
The entrepreneur was detained amid growing concern in Europe that the platform is used by “pedophiles, drug traffickers and other criminals,” the newspaper reports. According to French media, Telegram is being investigated for its role in the distribution of child pornography and the alleged refusal of the platform's management to cooperate with the authorities in the fight against it. TF1 TV channel reported that Durov was suspected of involvement in drug trafficking, terrorism, crimes against children and fraud.
In addition, the WSJ writes, Telegram can be used “to recruit Russian agents in Europe,” making Durov valuable to Western intelligence agencies trying to crack encrypted messages on the messenger. According to French officials, France has been the target of “several Russian operations” in recent months, which has angered President Emmanuel Macron and other government officials.
After Durov's detention, the Russian embassy requested an explanation from the French authorities, demanding that his rights be protected and that he be granted consular access, but, according to diplomats, Paris “has so far avoided engaging on this issue.” The Paris prosecutor's office said that an official press statement would be released on August 26.
The Telegram team, commenting on Durov's detention, said that the businessman has nothing to hide and that he travels frequently in Europe, and the platform complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. “It is absurd to claim that the platform or its owner is responsible for its abuse,” they emphasized.
Маск: затримання Дурова - "реклама" свободи слова в США25.08.24, 02:06