
Writer Stanislav Aseyev was injured at the front

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Writer Stanislav Aseyev was wounded during the fighting at the front near the village of Ocheretyne and hospitalized.

Writer Stanislav Aseyev was injured at the front, fighting near the village of Ocheretyne in Donetsk region, and was hospitalized. This was reported on Wednesday in social networks by journalist and blogger Denis Kazansky, UNN reports.


"Writer Stas Aseyev was injured at the front and hospitalized. He is fighting in the hottest area near the village of Ocheretyne," Kazansky wrote.

The journalist said that Stas's new novel, The Melchior Elephant, had recently been published. "In fact, it was written back in 2013, but has not been published until now. Stas was planning to present it in Kyiv on April 28, but was unable to do so because of the escalation at the front," Kazansky said.

Aseev himself said that is in the hospital. "I am alive, although according to all the laws of physics and probability I should have died. Unfortunately, we have lost our positions. Now I am in the hospital with a concussion," he wrote in X.

росіяни обстріляли Донеччину понад 1680 разів: гатили із авіації, РСЗВ та артилерії01.05.24, 09:43

Julia Shramko



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