
WP: US sets limits on US weapons strikes on Russia

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The United States has restricted the use of American weapons to strike Russia, WP reports.

The United States has restricted the use of American weapons for strikes on Russia to 100 km from the border, writes the American edition of the Washington Post, citing sources, reports UNN.


According to the publication, citing two Ukrainian officials, the new US policy, which allows Ukraine to hit Russian territory with certain American weapons, has led to a reduction in some Russian attacks, but still limits the range, which does not allow Ukraine to hit key airfields.

"These airfields are used by Russian aircraft that drop deadly planning bombs, which now cause the greatest damage to military positions and civilians," the newspaper writes.

"The Ukrainian officials said the United States has restricted Ukraine to firing less than 100 kilometers from the border," the report said.

It is noted that Pentagon spokesman Major Charlie Dietz said that the United States agreed to allow Ukraine to fire weapons provided by the United States at Russia, where Russian troops are trying to seize Ukrainian territory.

"This does not apply to geography or a certain radius, but if Russia attacks or is going to attack Ukraine from its territory, Ukraine has the opportunity to strike at forces that strike from abroad. Ukraine is also allowed to use air defense systems provided by the United States to attack Russian aircraft if they are going to fire at Ukrainian airspace," Dietz added.


The article WP commented head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the national security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Kovalenko, quoting the publication that "allowing Ukraine to hit the Russian Federation with American weapons reduced the number of rocket attacks on Kharkiv, but did not stop the aircraft dropping bombs", and adding: "the whole problem is in depth. Permission to strike up to 100 km, but you need it for more.

Україна може використати надану США зброю не лише на російській території біля Харківщини - Пентагон21.06.24, 10:08

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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    WP: US sets limits on US weapons strikes on Russia

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