
Woman loses control of fire while burning dead wood in Kharkiv region and dies

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In the Kharkiv region, a 67-year-old woman died while burning dead wood and dry grass after losing control of the fire and ending up in the center of the fire.

A 67-year-old woman died in Kharkiv region while burning dead wood. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


According to witnesses, on June 12, in the village of Ivano-Shyichyne, Bohodukhiv district, Kharkiv region, a local resident was burning dry grass and garbage around her estate. It is noted that she lost control of the situation, found herself in the center of the fire and died. The body was found in the ashes by local residents.

Burning dry vegetation poses a real threat to your health and life. In addition, fires in ecosystems can cause uncontrolled fire spread to residential buildings, destroy fertile

- the SES added.


In March, a large-scale fire broke out near the village of Slobidske in Kharkiv region due to the burning of dry grass. It took 50 rescuers and 10 tankers to extinguish the fire, which covered an area of 7 hectares for 13 hours.

The State Emergency Service calls dry grass burning the main cause of fires. The emergency service also emphasizes that the law provides for a fine of UAH 3060 to 6120 for burning dry grass.

Знепритомніла й впала у вогонь: на Харківщині під час випалювання сухої трави загинула жінка01.04.24, 18:02 • [views_25051]

Anastasia Ryabokon

Crimes and emergencies


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