
Why in different regions the "light" is turned off for a different number of hours: Ukrenergo gave an explanation

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Why in different regions household consumers are turned off electricity for a different number of hours. And how the duration of shutdowns is affected by power consumption limits. This was stated by the chairman of the management board of Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudritsky in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Kirill Peredri, reports UNN.

According to him, these two factors depend on the specifics of each individual region. And the main task when drawing up shutdown schedules is to take this feature into account.

"It should be understood that different regions may have different percentages of critical infrastructure in their consumption. This will greatly affect the schedule of outages, for example, for the population. There are areas where industry is very well developed. For example, the Dnipropetrovsk region. And there are areas where the share of consumption of the population and small non-household consumers is very large. For example, the Transcarpathian region. And it is clear that even when you distribute limits proportionally to these areas, the effect for residents can be different. This whole system – it is designed, on the one hand, to distribute the available electricity proportionally. And on the other hand-a little more to take into account the "regional specifics". Make it so that it does not happen that in the Kiev region, for example, people do not have light for half a day, and in the Dnipropetrovsk region – only 20% of people do not have light," said Vladimir Kudritsky.

Енергетика втратила суттєву частину генерації, є потреба у раціональному споживанні - Президент17.05.24, 20:04

Antonina Tumanova



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