
Warsaw does not rule out further restrictions on Ukrainian exports

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Poland has warned Ukraine that it may impose additional restrictions on Ukrainian products if no agreement is reached.

Today, the ball is in Ukraine's court: either it wants to reach an agreement with Poland, or the Polish side will have to impose additional restrictions on imports of Ukrainian goods, Polish Deputy Agriculture Minister Michal Kolodziejczak said on Tuesday, UNN reports citing PAP.


On the Polsat News program, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture was asked, among other things, whether the Polish government was considering a unilateral embargo on imports of additional agri-food products from Ukraine. Kolodziejczak reminded that wheat, corn, sunflower, and rapeseed cannot be imported into Poland.

He said that on Wednesday, Polish Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Sekerski will hold talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solsky.

Today, the ball is in Ukraine's court. Either they want to negotiate with us, or we will have to impose additional restrictions

- Kolodziejczak added.

He also announced talks with the protesting farmers to begin next week.


On Tuesday, numerous farmers' protests took place across Poland, including blocking roads, highways and checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. The farmers are opposed to the influx of Ukrainian goods, as well as European policies related to the so-called Green Deal.

Julia Shramko



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