
Ukraine signs security agreement with Denmark - the first country outside the G7

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Ukraine signed its first security agreement with a non-G7 country, Denmark, to provide military support, including fighter jets, ammunition and training, as well as long-term financial assistance.

On February 23, in Lviv, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support. Denmark will continue to provide support to Ukraine for the ten years of the agreement. This was reported by the deputy head of the Presidential Administration Ihor Zhovkva, according to UNN

Ukraine's next security agreement to implement the Vilnius Declaration of the Group of Seven. Now with Denmark! Today, in Lviv, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen signed an Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-Term Support between Ukraine and Denmark

- Zhovkva wrote on Facebook.

He noted that Denmark is the first non-G7 country with which Ukraine has signed such an agreement.

According to Zhovkva, the agreement defines specific amounts of support for our country. 

In 2024, Denmark's military support will amount to at least EUR 1.8 billion. In addition, the Danish Fund for Support of Ukraine has allocated EUR 8.5 billion for the current assistance to our country in 2023-2028. 

The agreement contains the classic provisions  regarding  clear support for Ukraine's future membership in the EU and NATO, our path of reforms, cooperation in the defense industry, intelligence, cybersecurity, the restoration of Ukraine, as well as the issue of sanctions and bringing the aggressor to justice. 

However, what significantly distinguishes the agreement with Denmark from the previous ones is a powerful military bloc

Denmark, as co-chair of the Air Force Coalition (AFCC) and a member of the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Coalition, "will support efforts to ensure the full capability of the F-16 through the Air Force Coalition (AFCC), including by providing fighters, munitions, trainers and training, as well as contributing to the long-term maintenance of the fighter aircraft and the creation of appropriate conditions in Ukraine."

Зеленський затвердив завдання уповноваженого з питань реалізації міжнародних безпекових гарантій 22.02.24, 17:22

In addition, the agreement enshrines support for the development of Ukraine's navy, demining efforts, and the provision of high-tech military assistance by Denmark: drones, communications equipment, radars, and detection equipment

Denmark will continue to provide support to Ukraine for ten years of this Agreement and with the possibility of its extension by agreement of the parties," Zhovkva said. 

The agreement also established a mechanism for consultations within 24 hours at the request of either party in the event of a future armed attack by Russia. 

"In the near future, we will hear even more strong voices in support of Ukraine," Zhovkva added. 

Італія сподівається невдовзі підписати безпекову угоду з Україною - голова МЗС22.02.24, 14:46

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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