
Ukraine is working on the reform of the MSEC: Lyashko told what will change

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The Ministry of Health is working on the issue of reforming medical and social expertise, which, in particular, includes point changes that simplify the process of passing the MSEC and should prevent any manipulation, as well as a general reform of the expertise, which involves changing the medical and social parts. This was stated by the Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko during a telethon, UNN reports .


The issue of reforming the MSEC is on our agenda. We are working on it along two parallel trajectories. The first one is point changes that simplify the process of medical and social examination and should also prevent any manipulations or persecution of those who need to be determined as disabled. The second large block is a general reform of the medical and social examination. This is a more complicated process, as the MSEC has two concepts - a medical component and a social component. We are working on this on different tracks

- Lyashko said.

He noted that the Verkhovna Rada is currently considering draft law No. 11125, which was adopted in the first reading, and that both MPs and government officials are working on it with an emphasis on the social component.

Законопроєкт Третьякової та Безуглої: ВР планує змінити процедуру проведення МСЕК 16.09.24, 11:59

He also said that today the Ministry of Health has posted for public discussion a draft lawaimed at improving the medical part.

We want to do some innovative things there

- Lyashko added.

According to him, following the NSDC's decision in 2023, the ministry conducted three rounds of case reviews that established disability for people aged 25 to 60.

More than 90 thousand cases were processed, of which almost 19 thousand were taken to the central MSEC and in our three research institutes they were additionally checked and 3 thousand cases were sent for re-examination. Then these cases were worked with law enforcement agencies and the results of these reviews we see today in the work of law enforcement agencies with the delivery of suspicions, who do not hear appeals from medical professionals, make certain manipulations that lead to someone illegally receiving a particular degree of disability

- Lyashko noted.

The minister emphasized that the reform of the MSEC involves a set of tasks, because changing the name or other things will not lead to anything.

Therefore, the medical component is also addressed here: what should we do and where should we redirect the data in the future, and instead of the issues that cause people who do not need to be determined as disabled, what will happen next? What benefits can the state offer, and we propose to introduce certain compensators that will help eliminate the disability limitations that a person has received as a result of an injury, so that they can return to life. We are now focused on solving 4 key issues that we have in the MSEC, which are specifically related to the medical component: personnel, salaries, barrier-free accessibility and digitalization. Therefore, our draft law proposes to liquidate the MSEC as a legal entity and transfer this function to a health care institution

- the Minister noted.


Health Minister Viktor Lyashko reported that he had received about 3,000 complaints about the work of medical and social expert commissions. Based on the results of the complaints, inspections are being conducted, including a corruption scheme in Khmelnytsky region.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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