
Ukraine is already preparing for the second Peace Summit: possible participation of Russia in certain formats is being discussed - OP

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Ukraine is already preparing for the second Peace Summit, which will discuss the results of the first Summit and the roadmap for peace, with possible participation of Russia in certain formats if other countries support Ukraine's peace plan and are ready to present it to Russia.

The first Peace Summit will be inaugural, and the second will discuss the results of the first. If other countries support the Ukrainian peace plan and are ready to communicate it to Russia, then we can talk about certain formats of the aggressor's participation. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva during a telethon, UNN reports .

We are saying that this is the inaugural Summit, and at the second Summit, which we are already planning, we are talking to countries - a number of countries have already expressed their desire to host such a Summit. At this Peace Summit, we will actually talk about the results of the first Summit and the results of the roadmap we have developed, about how to talk about peace in Ukraine. We do not exclude this - if the countries that share the joint plan developed by Ukraine and its allies are ready to convey this to the aggressor country, and it does not dictate its terms but listens to the community, we can also talk about certain formats of its participation

- Zhovkva said.


The two-day Peace Summit starts in Switzerland on Saturday, June 15. The Swiss government has released a tentative program of public events at the conference.

Iryna Kolesnik



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