
Ukraine and Albania sign cooperation agreement, discuss potential joint arms production - Zelenskyy

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President Zelenskyy signed a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the Prime Minister of Albania, and the parties discussed Ukraine's defense needs and possible joint arms production.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to develop cooperation and strengthen Ukraine's position in the Balkans, and they discussed Ukraine's defense needs and potential joint arms production. The Head of State announced this on Wednesday in social media, UNN reports.

During the meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama, we signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Ukraine and Albania. This document will help develop our cooperation and strengthen Ukraine's position in the Balkan region. Today we also discussed Ukraine's defense needs and the possibility of joint arms production

- Zelensky said

The President emphasized that from the first days of the full-scale invasion, Albania supported Ukraine, our struggle for freedom and territorial integrity. "We thank the government and people of Albania, we will never forget the warm attitude of your society towards Ukrainians!" Zelenskyy said.

Зустріч з прем'єром Албанії та саміт: Зеленський обговорить у Тирані оборонну співпрацю та євроатлантичний шлях28.02.24, 09:52


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