
UK sends over 2,000 tons of food aid to Gaza

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The United Kingdom has sent more than 2,000 tons of food aid to Gaza, the largest humanitarian aid delivery in its history, to provide life-saving assistance to more than 275,000 people suffering from the humanitarian crisis in the region.

The UK has sent over 2000 tons of food aid to Gaza.

This was reported by CNN, according to UNN.


The British Foreign Office has announced the arrival of the largest humanitarian aid delivery in its history to the Gaza Strip.

More than 2,000 tons of food aid that has passed through the Jordanian land corridor is intended to provide vital assistance to the population in the region suffering from a humanitarian crisis.

The UK Mission Office said that this shipment, distributed by the World Food Program, will feed more than 275,000 people.

The supply includes enriched wheat flour intended for use in bakeries and ready-to-eat foods.

The food parcels will be used to feed more than 275,000 people in Gaza. Each food parcel is designed for a family of five and consists of canned vegetables, meat and fish, and date bars. The parcel can meet half of the family's daily calorie needs for 15 days

- the British Foreign Office informs.


A British field hospital operated by UK-Med is already on the ground providing vital medical care to the people of Gaza.

Голод на півночі Гази: 70% стикаються з критичною нестачею продовольства, 30 смертей від недоїдання19.03.24, 02:43

Julia Kotvitskaya



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