
UAVs spotted and explosions heard in russian regions

 • 31718 переглядiв

Explosions occurred in the rostov and kursk regions of the russian federation.

Explosions are heard in russia. This is reported by the russian media, UNN reports.


In the morozovsky district of the rostov region of the russian federation, sounds and flashes in the sky above the city have been heard for about an hour, which has been noticed by local residents. According to the governor, air defense units are repelling a massive attack by unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the same time, according to the information, a UAV attack was reportedly carried out on a residential building in one of the villages of the kursk region of the russian federation. A fire was reported in two private houses. Operational services are currently at the scene and are taking the necessary measures to neutralize the consequences of the incident. No deaths or injuries were reported.

Велика пожежа сталася ще на одному заводі у рф: загорілося на підмосковному "електроізоліті" 01.04.24, 16:39

Julia Kotvitskaya



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