
"Time is not working for you, the corpses are decomposing": Navalny's mother was shown her son's body and threatened if she refused to hold the funeral secretly

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The mother of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny said that investigators had shown her son's body the night before and threatened her that they would not let her bury him unless she agreed to a secret burial.

Lyudmila, the mother of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny, said that the night before investigators showed her her son's body, but did not release it for burial. The investigators demanded to hold a secret funeral for the oppositionist and threatened to do so in case of disobedience. Lyudmila's video message appeared on Alexei Navalny's YouTube channel, he is quoted UNN.

I am recording this video because they started threatening me. Looking me in the eyes, they say that if I don't agree to a secret funeral, they will do something with my son's body. Investigator Voropayev openly told me: "Time is not working for you, the corpses are decomposing."

- Ludmila Navalny said.


According to Lyudmila's words, she had seen her son's body the night before in the morgue, where she had been secretly taken. The investigators assured her that they had the cause of death and all medical and legal documents ready. However, they did not want to give Alexei Navalny's body to his relatives.

According to the law, they should have given me Alexei's body immediately, but they didn't. Instead, they blackmail me, setting conditions on where, when and how Alexei should be buried.

 - Navalny's mother stated.

According to Lyudmila Navalnaya, the Russian authorities want the funeral to be held secretly and without a farewell.

They want to take me to the edge of the cemetery, to a fresh grave and say, "This is where your son lies." I don't agree to that. 

- summarized the mother of an opposition member.

Biden calls Putin a "crazy son of a bitch" and criticizes Trump over Navalny2/22/24, 10:33 AM


Two days ago, the mother of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin demanding that his son's body be given to her.

Navalny's death became known on February 16. The Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Administrative District reported the death of politician Alexei Navalny in penal colony No. 3 in the settlement of Kharp. The agency said that Navalny became ill during a walk, he almost immediately lost consciousness. Medics were unable to save his life, trying to resuscitate him for more than half an hour.

Tatiana Salganik

Crimes and emergencies


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