
The US is considering a ban on imports of Russian enriched uranium

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The White House is considering a ban on enriched uranium imports from Russia, which supplies about a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel U.S. commercial reactors and generates about $1 billion in revenue for Moscow a year.

Washington is considering a ban on imports of enriched uranium from Russia. This was reported by UNN with reference to Bloomberg.


The White House could use executive authority to implement the ban. However, both administration officials and nuclear industry representatives still want the ban to be implemented through a bill approved by the House, as it is more difficult to repeal.

Bloomberg's sources explain that officials from the White House National Security Council, the Department of Energy, and other agencies are currently negotiating a ban on imports of enriched Russian uranium. However, no decision has been made yet.

Палата представників США ухвалила законопроект про заборону імпорту російського урану12.12.23, 02:14


According to the newspaper, according to the Department of Energy , Russia supplied almost a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel the US fleet of more than 90 commercial reactors, making it the first foreign supplier.

These sales bring Moscow an estimated $1 billion a year, and the White House has said that dependence on Russian uranium sources "poses a risk to the U.S. economy.

Новий пакет санкцій ЄС проти рф мають представити наступного тижня: ЗМІ дізналися, що туди увійде19.04.24, 16:19

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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