
The third camp for prisoners of war of the Russian Federation has opened in Ukraine: it is already receiving the first arrivals

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In Ukraine, the third camp "Center-3" has opened for the detention of Russian prisoners of war, which receives the first arrivals. There they will have the opportunity to work, play sports and spend their leisure time.

The third camp in Ukraine for holding Russian prisoners of war "Center-3" received the first Russians. In the camp, prisoners will be able to work, play sports and relax. This was reported by the press service of the project "I want to live", reports UNN

New prisoner-of-war camp "Center-3" received the first Russian prisoners of war

- the project statement says. 

It is noted that Ukraine was forced to open a new camp due to the large number of Russians who surrendered and the actual blocking of exchanges by the Russian side, 

I want to live believes that this is probably not the last such camp for Russian prisoners of war, which started working this year.

How to hold prisoners of war of the Russian Federation

As noted, the Russians who were captured are not held in high-security colonies together with prisoners, but in camps provided specifically for prisoners of war and special stages attached to the pre-trial detention center. They are not deprived of communication with their relatives, and the International Red Cross is allowed to visit them. Prisoners have the opportunity to receive parcels and money transfers, work, play sports and leisure activities. 

"Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russia are deprived of all this, although Russia is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions," I want to live said. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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