
The State Border Service reminded the conditions for obtaining a permit to stay in border strips

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The State Border Service reminded the conditions for obtaining a permit to stay in border zones, which is provided free of charge within 10 working days.

After the government has changed the rules of stay at the border, citizens must obtain the appropriate permission from the State Border Service. The service reminds that the procedure provides for issuing permits to individuals and legal entities for entry, stay, residence, and work. This is stated on the page "northern border" of the State Border Service, writes UNN.


A permit for entry, stay, residence, work or passage to the border strip is granted free of charge within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application, which specifies:

  • surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, citizenship of the person who will be located within the border strip, details of the identity document, place of residence, means of communication;
  • type of permit and validity period of the permit;
  • purpose and legal grounds for obtaining a permit.

At the same time, a residence permit for residents of areas located within the border strip is granted indefinitely. And permission for employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations located within the border strip to stay is granted for one year.

The granting of a permit for entry, stay, residence, work or passage to the border strip is refused, and the granted permit is declared invalid:

  • if deliberately false information or forged documents are submitted when applying for permission;
  • if a person has been held liable for illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine, illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine, smuggling or violation of customs rules related to the movement of goods or vehicles outside customs control or with concealment from customs control within one year prior to the date of submission of the appeal;
  • if a person is banned from entering Ukraine or a foreigner or stateless person has no legal grounds for staying in Ukraine;
  • in the interests of ensuring the national security of Ukraine, protecting public order, combating organized crime, criminal community or criminal organization, or spreading criminal influence;
  • in the interests of ensuring health protection, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of Ukraine and other persons residing in Ukraine;
  • if a person has been absent from a certain place of residence for more than 90 days or has changed it;
  • in case of dismissal from an enterprise, institution, or organization of a person who has been granted permission to stay as their employee;
  • at the request of the person who is granted permission.

A person who is refused permission has the right to appeal the decision within 10 working days from the date of its adoption to the highest-level body of the state border service of Ukraine or to the Administrative Court at the location of the relevant body.

На Вінниччині біля кордону з Молдовою запровадили додаткові режимні обмеження25.03.24, 11:12

If necessary, the relevant bodies of the state border service of Ukraine may introduce additional temporary regime restrictions on entry, stay and work in the border zone.

The category of persons who do not need to obtain such permits is defined separately. In particular, no permissions are required:

  • persons entering the border strip for the purpose of crossing the state border at checkpoints (control points) across the state border;
  • truck drivers and accompanying persons entering the border strip for the purpose of multimodal transportation;
  • persons whose movement begins and ends outside the border strip, who move by road on public roads of state significance, by rail on railway communication tracks, some of which pass through the areas where the border strip is established, without performing stops, exits at railway stations in the border strip.

Also, the government has established a special border regime and prohibits the free entry, stay, residence, movement of persons and work not related to the defense or protection of the state border, within land plots 30-50 meters wide along the state border line on land, along the Bank of the Ukrainian part of the border river, lake or other body of water, and along the line of the state border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus – up to 2 kilometers wide, which are provided for permanent use by military units of the state border service for the construction, arrangement and maintenance of engineering and fortifications, fences, border signs, border clearings, communications.

For more information about obtaining a permit to enter, stay, reside, perform work, or enter the border strip, please follow Link.

Прикордонники щодня відмовляють в перетині кордону близько 200-250 чоловікам23.05.24, 12:57


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