
The SES is ready to implement an independent audit of fire and industrial safety to improve the business climate

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An independent audit of fire and industrial safety is being introduced in Ukraine, which will allow businesses to assess the level of safety and eliminate deficiencies without penalties.

Ukraine is introducing an independent audit of fire and industrial safety. According to the State Emergency Service, this mechanism will allow business entities with medium and low degrees of risk to assess their facilities by qualified specialists and postpone scheduled inspections by the SES. How it works was discussed during a roundtable on the implementation of the audit and the functioning of the relevant e-registers, UNN reports.

The decision to introduce a fire and industrial safety audit mechanism in Ukraine is truly innovative and in line with the requirements of the times. Its implementation will help entrepreneurs to assess the level of safety at their facilities and, if necessary, eliminate deficiencies without imposing any penalties. The SES, for its part, will be able to focus even more efforts on the challenges of overcoming the consequences of Russian armed aggression, and at the same time will have an understanding of the level of fire and industrial safety at enterprises. 

 ," emphasized Volodymyr Demchuk, acting head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.


It is noted that the mechanism of fire and industrial safety audit and voluntary insurance is currently being implemented in Ukraine for business entities with medium and low risk and is a completely new European approach to improving the business climate in the country. Demchuk noted that the regulatory framework for launching this audit process is ready,

The Acting Head of the SES explained that this audit is voluntary and does not entail any negative consequences or sanctions. On the contrary, it will allow businesses to reduce the number of scheduled inspections, increase the period between them, and strengthen guarantees of compensation for losses in case of violation of fire and industrial safety requirements by enterprises.

Volodymyr Demchuk added that the SES has created and is implementing new electronic services  to ensure the organization of audits and voluntary civil liability insurance. "We will continue to improve all these processes, as we are interested in ensuring that businesses feel supported by government institutions and the SES itself. Our main goal is to make everything as simple and accessible as possible and to ensure the strengthening of fire and industrial safety in the country," emphasized the acting Head of the SES.

ДСНС створила е-реєстри щодо аудиту пожежної та техногенної безпеки14.02.24, 02:47


Oleh Bondarenko, Chairman of the Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management, who attended the meeting, noted that the implementation of this audit is one of the key changes in the context of the SES.

I hope that business will stop seeing the SES as one of the controlling bodies that comes in and creates additional pressure on the activities of enterprises. And the task facing the SES today is to make the system peopleless, paperless, and to transfer everything to modern mechanisms. 

- Bondarenko told the MP.

For his part, Viktor Berlin, President of the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine, called the mechanism of audit and civil liability insurance a good step and assured that insurance companies are ready to take on new challenges and develop the insurance services sector.

I really believe and wish that the cooperation of the SES with business will become an example for other state institutions of how to work and implement innovations. 

 , he summarized.

Tatiana Salganik



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