
The school year is ahead: Zelenskyy instructs government to speed up assistance in building shelters

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President Zelenskyy has prioritized normal education for children, where possible through shelters. The government should accelerate assistance in building shelters before the new school year.

The school year is coming up and the priority is to ensure normal, non-remote learning for children wherever possible thanks to the shelters. The government of Ukraine has been instructed to accelerate assistance in the construction of shelters. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his evening video address, UNN reports.

"First, Volyn. Security issues, the border. Everything that concerns the north of our country. Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv regions. Much has already been done - both in terms of fortifications and border mining. But there are several more instructions for the military. They are very important," Zelensky said.

He noted that there are many energy issues, as well as social and educational issues.

"The school year is ahead, and now the priority is normal, not remote learning for children wherever possible thanks to shelters. There is an instruction to the government of Ukraine to speed up the construction of shelters," Zelensky said.

Українські школярі відстають від освітньої програми на два роки - Лісовий29.07.24, 21:16

He also said that today they also discussed how to add more economic and transportation opportunities to Volyn in particular.

"The region has significant potential that is not yet being realized. This includes transit across the border and development in the Volyn region itself. The region and the government should work together to prepare appropriate steps and decisions," Zelensky said.

In addition, the President visited a hospital in Rivne region where Ukrainian soldiers are being treated.

"I am grateful to every doctor, every nurse - to everyone who brings our defenders back to life," Zelensky said.


In June, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the distribution of a UAH 2.19 billion subvention from the state to local budgets for the repair and construction of shelters in schools.

To ensure the safety of children , shelters are being set up in 90 schools and kindergartens in Kyiv region. 


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