
The Russian army attacked six communities of the Sumy region

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On June 7, the Russian army shelled 6 settlements in the Sumy region of Ukraine 14 times, resulting in 54 explosions.

During the day of June 7, the Russian army shelled Sumy Region 14 times. 54 explosions were recorded. Belopolskaya, Krasnopolskaya, Znob-Novgorod, Shalyginskaya, Esmanskaya, Velikopisarevskaya communities were hit. This was reported in the Sumy RMA, reports UNN.


In Belopolskaya community there were artillery attacks (5 explosions).

Krasnopolskaya community was hit with mortars (6 explosions) and artillery (14 explosions).

In Znob-Novgorod community there were mortar attacks (2 explosions).

Mortar (4 explosions) and artillery (11 explosions) attacks were also recorded in Shalyginsky.

According to Esmansky community, there was an FPV Drone Attack (1 explosion) and mortar attacks (2 explosions).

On Velikopisarevskaya hromada, the Russian army dropped 3 mines, and there were artillery attacks (6 explosions).

Also at night and in the morning, the Russian army carried out 8 attacks on border territories and settlements of the Sumy region. 27 explosions were recorded. Khotyn, Shalyginskaya, Esmanskaya and Velikopisarevskaya communities came under fire from the territory of the Russian Federation.

Ворог вночі та вранці обстріляв 6 громад Сумщини: пролунало 36 вибухів05.06.24, 09:20

Lilia Podolyak



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