
"The only source of income": the head of "OPP" Kovalsky told about the participation of the plant in the grain initiative

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During the full-scale war, the Odessa Portside plant rebuilt part of its own capacities in order to take part in the grain initiative. Participation in it is currently the only source of income for OPP

During the full-scale war, a number of state-owned enterprises repurposed their capacities in order to continue working for the benefit of the state. Not an exception was the "Odessa Portside plant", which rebuilt part of its own capacities in order to take part in the grain initiative. Yuri Kovalsky, acting director of OPP, spoke about how the company operates during the war in a comment to UNN.

As you know, due to the military aggression of Russia, the main production facilities of OPP are in a state of shutdown, but despite this, a large number of explosive chemicals remain on the territory of the enterprise.

In order to participate in the grain initiative, Odessa Portside plant has signed a number of agreements with traders who are interested in transshipment of grain products for export.

"For funds from the joint activities of JSC" opz " with its counterparties, the company actually has the opportunity to maintain unique equipment and personnel potential in the most difficult wartime, especially during the downtime of the main production facilities. Participation in the grain initiative is currently the only source of income for OPP, "Yuri Kovalsky said in a comment to UNN .

"Одеський припортовий завод" відіграє важливу роль у роботі зернового коридору - нардепи30.05.24, 11:59


The commercial structure of Olsides Black Sea tried to use the road on the balance sheet of OPP to transport vegetable oil to the berths in the Port of Yuzhny. The company did not provide the necessary package of documents for obtaining the appropriate permit to travel this way, but instead began to use it without permission.

During the unauthorized use of the specified road, the company destroyed the road surface with its trucks.

Lilia Podolyak



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