The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting imposes restrictions on the use of Telegram on official devices. To analyze media on Telegram, a separate network segment is being created, separated from the internal network of the National Council. This is stated in the statement of the National Council, reports UNN.
According to the National Council, there is a rule that Telegram cannot be used on devices where proprietary information is created, processed and stored, either as an application or in the web version.
It's the same on employees' private devices, but there is a choice: if the device is used for business purposes, you need to delete Telegram - or delete business files and business accounts from email applications, because such applications store information and files locally.
However, as a media regulator, we have to analyze the activities of the media in Telegram, so we are creating a separate network segment, which will be separated from the internal network of the National Council with the help of modern hardware and software, but connected to the external Internet space
It is noted that the network infrastructure already allows blocking each of the tens of thousands of IP addresses used by this social network, so the information held by the National Council is reliably protected.