
The Ministry of Internal Affairs provided details of the suspect's preparation for Farion's murder and when he fled Lviv

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs has disclosed details of the preparation and escape of the suspect in the murder of Iryna Farion. The man arrived in Lviv 10 days before the crime, prepared carefully, and after the murder fled by rail to Dnipro.

The suspect in the murder of Iryna Farion fled the scene after committing the crime. Two days later, when the funeral for the deceased was taking place in Lviv, the guy left for Dnipro by train. UNN reports this with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“A minute before the murder, CCTV cameras recorded the suspect approaching the place where Iryna Farion was standing waiting for a taxi. After that, the man put on red gloves, loaded a cartridge into the chamber and shot the woman,” the statement said.

It is reported that the suspect had previously approached  Farion at a fairly close distance.

“After committing the crime, he fled the scene, as recorded by surveillance cameras. Two days later, when the funeral of the deceased was taking place in Lviv, the suspect left for Dnipro by rail,” the statement said.

Interior Minister  Ihor Klymenko said that during the search for the suspect in Farion's murder, police analysts identified and worked out more than 80 people who resemble the suspect based on the photographs.

Вбивство Фаріон: підозрюваний перевіряється на причетність до неонацистського руху з центром у росії26.07.24, 12:18

Also, during the briefing in Lviv, law enforcement officers told about the scope of work carried out to identify the suspect, namely:

  • 900 witnesses were interviewed;
  • Video from over 170 surveillance cameras analyzed;
  • 22 forensic examinations were appointed;
  • More than 9,000 photos from surveillance cameras were processed.

Also, 5 types of software were used for identification.

The difficulty in identifying the suspect was that the man was wearing glasses. The police had been preparing for the detention for almost a day, and yesterday police special forces detained the suspect in Farion's murder.

We did everything we could to ensure that the detention was carried out professionally and that the detainee was brought before the court

- emphasized Klymenko.

Вбивство Фаріон: МВС показало відео затримання підозрюваного26.07.24, 13:35

According to Klymenko, the suspect in the murder, Farion, arrived in Lviv 10 days before the crime.

The suspect arrived in Lviv by rail. During this period, he changed three apartments in the city center. These facts are confirmed by receipts for real estate services. Also, for two months, the man bought the necessary clothes and accessories for conspiracy in different cities of Ukraine with delivery to Dnipro. Later, he sent these things to himself by mail to Lviv

- the statement said.

It is noted that the suspect in the murder paved escape routes, changed his clothes and gait. During the reconnaissance and preparation for the crime, he examined and studied the surrounding area of the house where Farion lived. The man waited near her house for several hours without leaving the spot.

Searches for weapons, necessary clothing and accessories for disguise, as well as screenshots of Farion's social media pages were found on the suspect's phone.

Міг стати наступною жертвою? Підозрюваний у вбивстві Фаріон шукав інформацію про Бужанського26.07.24, 13:32


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