
The Ministry of Energy ignored the realities of war: Kharchenko on the lack of protective structures at the country's energy facilities

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The director of the Energy Research Center criticizes the Energy Ministry for not taking into account the realities of war when protecting energy facilities. He emphasizes the lack of adequate protection, which leads to significant losses during shelling.

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine did not take into account the realities of the war and that the lack of proper protection of facilities leads to significant losses. Director of the Center for Energy Studies Oleksandr Kharchenko said this during a briefing, UNN reports .

The Ministry of Energy has completely failed to mention the fact that there is a war in the country. They still haven't realized that we are at war and we need to talk about it

- Kharchenko says.

He says that there was a case when half of the transformers at the facilities were protected, and it was the unprotected half that was damaged during the shelling. 

The Muscovites have very good intelligence and know what is happening at our facilities

- added the director of the Center for Energy Studies. 


The director of the Center for Energy Research stated that there are no protective structures at Energoatom facilities . The expert emphasized the absence of even rumors about the construction of protection.

Iryna Kolesnik



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