
The Ministry of education and Science told when the EIT will be restored

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External independent assessment will resume, but so far the national multi-subject test is being conducted, which consists of four exams: Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine and the subject of the applicant's choice.

External independent assessment will be restored after Ukraine's victory in the war. This was announced by Deputy Minister of education and science Andrey Vitrenko during a briefing, and spoke about the features of the current national multi-subject test (NMT), the correspondent of UNN reports.

The national multi-subject test is a transformation of the EIT. In such conditions in which the education sector currently operates, it is impossible to conduct a full-fledged, standard EIT. But when we win, we will resume external independent evaluation in order for the entrance campaign to be fully transparent. As it is now, it is also characterized in the context of the national multi-subject test. NMT is a computer version of the EIT that is built taking into account security, logistics, financial and other conditions

- said Vitrenko

According to him, as of today, more than 287 thousand applicants have registered for NMT. Of these, almost 20 thousand are abroad – this is 19 883 people.He also spoke about the features of the current NMT.

The current NMT consists of four exams: Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine and an exam for applicants ' choice. The most popular subject of applicants ' choice is English. More than 115 thousand people registered for the fourth English language exam. For comparison, 161 people speak Spanish. If we take the top three most popular subjects, they are English, geography, and biology

Vitrenko said.

He noted that the current national multi-subject test is held from May 14 to June 25 and the results will be announced until July 2.

Vitrenko also recalled the NMT passing technology.

‘The NMT is taken in one day, with four exams. Each of the exams is allocated 60 minutes. 60 minutes of Ukrainian language, 60 minutes of mathematics, then there is a 20-minute break, and then 60 minutes of Ukrainian history and 60 minutes of a subject of choice. But 60 minutes is a conditional allocation, each applicant can distribute these 120 minutes between two subjects as he or she sees fit...’ said Vitrenko.

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Вступна кампанія-2024: затвердили нові правила прийому вступників20.03.24, 16:24

Anna Murashko



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