
The Ministry of Ecology reported that the replacement of the management of the Tuzly Estuaries National Park is possible without a competition

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The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources reported that during martial law, the director of the Tuzly Estuaries National Park may be replaced without competition.

The replacement of the director of the Tuzly Estuaries National Park is possible without competitive selection, as provided by the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law". This was reported to UNN by the Ministry of Environment in response to a request .

"In accordance with the first paragraph of part five of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law" (hereinafter - the Law), during the period of martial law, persons are appointed to civil service positions, positions in local self-government bodies, positions of heads of public sector economic entities, municipal enterprises, institutions, organizations by the head of the civil service or the appointing authority, village, settlement, city mayor, head of district, district in a city, regional council, head of the relevant military  administration without competitive selection, which is mandatory by law, on the basis of an application, a completed personal card of the established form and documents confirming that such persons have Ukrainian citizenship, education and work experience in accordance with the requirements of the legislation established for the relevant positions, as well as if the Unified State Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized to Perform State or Local Self-Government Functions contains a declaration of a person authorized to perform state or local self-government functions for the previous year," the ministry said in response to a request from UNN to find out when the Ministry of Ecology plans to hold a competition for the position of director of the national park.

They added that the appointment of heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as their dismissal, is carried out in agreement with the heads of local state administrations.

For several years now, local communities have been demanding the dismissal of the management of the Tuzly Estuaries National Park. Recently, the police discovered facts of mass poaching on the territory of the national park, the State Audit Service has launched a comprehensive audit of the financial and economic activities of Tuzly Estuaries, and local authorities have sent an appeal to the Ministry of Environment to dismiss the management of the national park. 

Earlier, UNN reported that the Tuzly Estuaries National Park in Odesa Oblast has an annual budget of 5,565,380 hryvnias, of which 97% is spent on salaries for 45 employees. This is a very impressive number of staff for a national park during the war. However, according to law enforcement officials, they are unable to restore order there.

For comparison, the budget of Tuzly Estuaries is 300 drones, which are badly needed by the military on the front line and will be funded by people.

Lilia Podolyak



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