
The Law on Multiple Citizenship: Who Will Be Given a Ukrainian Passport and for What

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Ukraine has proposed a new law on multiple citizenship aimed at foreigners and their family members who have been directly involved in the defense of the country's independence and territorial integrity. The draft law proposes simplified procedures for certain categories of foreign nationals, and establishes conditions for acquiring and terminating Ukrainian citizenship.

The new law on multiple citizenship aims to regulate the issue of issuing Ukrainian passports to foreigners and their family members who are directly involved in the defense of Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity. This is stated in the explanatory note to the draft law on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, UNN reports.

The purpose of the draft Law of Ukraine "On Certain Issues in the Field of Migration Regarding the Grounds and Procedure for Acquiring and Terminating Ukrainian Citizenship" is to update the provisions of legislation in the field of migration, citizenship, in particular the grounds and procedure for acquiring and terminating Ukrainian citizenship, as well as to improve the legal regulation of issues related to the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons who, as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other formations established in accordance with the laws, participate in the protection of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine,

- means at the beginning of the explanatory note to the draft law.


According to the main provisions set forth in the explanatory note, the draft law proposes:

1)  identify the states whose citizens (nationals) acquire Ukrainian citizenship under the simplified procedure;

2) to define the category of people who must terminate their foreign citizenship in order to acquire Ukrainian citizenship

3) introduce a declaration of recognition as a citizen of Ukraine;

4) update the category of people who cannot acquire Ukrainian citizenship;

5) review the grounds for losing Ukrainian citizenship.

Експерт пояснив, яке значення матиме і на які виклики відповідає запровадження множинного громадянства22.01.24, 15:19

6) to clarify the powers of state bodies that make decisions on citizenship acquisition;

7) to regulate the issue of the possibility for foreigners and stateless persons who are performing/have performed military service under contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, or other Ukrainian military formations to apply for a temporary residence permit;

8) to regulate the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons who were involved in the defense of Ukraine, in particular, as part of the TRO, on the territory of Ukraine.

Це практика розвинених країн: у ВР пояснили, чому в Україні слід дозволити множинне громадянство22.01.24, 16:56


The proposed law is based on the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Citizenship of Ukraine", "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons", "On Immigration",  Presidential Decree No. 215/2001 of March 27, 2001 "Issues of Organization of Implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizenship of Ukraine".


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has submitted a law on multiple citizenship to the Verkhovna Rada.  The document, which, according to Zelensky's statements , will allow to adopt comprehensive changes to legislation and introduce the institution of multiple citizenship.

Tatiana Salganik



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