
The Georgian parliament supported the law on "foreign agents" in a minute

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The Legal Committee of the Georgian Parliament considered and supported the law on "foreign agents" in the third reading in 67 seconds. The final vote on the document is tomorrow, May 14. This is reported by Echo of the Caucasus, UNN reports. 


As noted, representatives of the opposition, who were not allowed to enter the parliament building for some time, did not have time to attend the committee meeting.

Committee chairman Henri Okhanashvili said that the third reading of the document only provides for editorial amendments, which the ruling party's deputies did not have.

Members of the pro-government Georgian Dream party arrived at the legislature building  after riot police pushed protesters away. Police officers beat several demonstrators, and some were detained. When the deputies appeared, the protesters shouted "Slaves! Slaves!"

Сутички біля парламенту Тбілісі: МВС Грузії закликало протестувальників звільнити територію, погрожуючи поліцією13.05.24, 06:34

Opponents of the bill gathered on Rustaveli Avenue at 10 p.m. the day before and, as planned, spent the entire night there.

The rally was peaceful. Before starting to push the protesters out of several areas, law enforcement officers announced over the loudspeaker that they were giving the demonstrators 5 minutes to leave the area.

Another group of riot police is on Svobody Square. They are not taking any active action against the protesters.

Tomorrow, on May 14, the ruling party plans to consider and approve the draft law "On Transparency of Foreign Influence" in the third reading at a session meeting.

Президентка Грузії запропонувала відтермінувати дату набуття чинності закону про "іноагентів"12.05.24, 20:46


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