
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to complete the procedure for approving the reservation lists received by May 10

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Reservations for persons liable for military service on the lists received by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine before May 10, 2024, will be made according to the lists approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Today, on May 24, the Cabinet of Ministers decided that reservations for persons liable for military service on the lists submitted to the General Staff of the Armed Forces by May 10, 2024, will be carried out according to the lists approved by the General Staff, UNN reports citing the Ministry of Economy.

"By amending Resolution No. 76 of May 8, the Government transferred the functions of checking reservation lists, which were previously carried out by the General Staff, to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. At the same time, at the time of the decision, the General Staff was reviewing the lists that had been prepared and submitted earlier. In order not to slow down the booking process, the Cabinet of Ministers supported a decision that allows the General Staff to finalize such lists. The decision of the General Staff on such approvals will be valid and will be used to reserve persons liable for military service. The bodies that submitted the lists do not need to start the process again by submitting them to the Ministry of Defense. This is a one-time decision and, I emphasize, applies only to the lists for approval that were received by the General Staff before May 10," explained Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Fomenko.


The Committee on Economic Development has prepared a variant of the economic reservation from mobilization - the project provides for a monthly fee of 20 thousand hryvnias for each booked employee.


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