
The European Union imposed sanctions against 6 Russians involved in cyber attacks against EU countries and Ukraine

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The European Union has imposed sanctions on 6 Russians involved in cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, government agencies and basic services such as healthcare and banking in the EU and Ukraine.

The Council of the European Union  today, June 24, announced the introduction of new sanctions against six Russians involved in cyber attacks in EU member states and Ukraine.  this is stated in a statement by the press service of the EU Council, reports UNN

The EU Council today approved additional restrictive measures against six individuals involved in cyber attacks on information systems related to critical infrastructure, critical government functions, storage or processing of classified information, and government emergency response teams in EU member states

- the message says.

It is noted that for the first time restrictive measures are being taken against cybercrimes that use ransomware distribution campaigns  against basic services such as healthcare and banking.

The new sanctions list includes two members of  Callisto group - Ruslan Peretyatko and Andrey Korinets. Callisto group is a group of Russian military intelligence officers that conducts cyber operations against EU member states and third countries through ongoing phishing campaigns aimed at stealing sensitive data from critical government agencies, including defense and external communications.

У НАТО погодили варіанти відповідей на диверсії та кібератаки рф14.06.24, 17:05

Sanctions were also imposed against Alexander Sklyanka and Nikolai Chernykh from the hacker group  Armageddon, supported by the Federal Security Service (FBS) of the Russian Federation. It, as noted, carried out various cyber attacks that had a significant impact on the governments of EU member states and Ukraine, in particular through phishing emails and malware distribution campaigns.

In addition, Mikhail Tsarev and Maxim Galkin, key figures in the deployment of Conti and Trickbot malware, as well as those involved in Wizard Spider, were sanctioned.

Trickbot is a spyware malware created and developed by The Wizard Spider threat group, which has conducted ransomware campaigns in various sectors, including important services such as healthcare and banking, and is therefore responsible for significant economic damage in European Union countries.


Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court are investigating alleged Russian cyberattacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure as possible war crimes.

Tatiana Kraevskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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