
The Cabinet of Ministers proposed not to change the subsistence minimum and minimum wage in 2025

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In the draft state budget for 2025, the subsistence minimum will remain at UAH 2,920, and the minimum wage will be UAH 8,000. These figures remain unchanged from 2024.

The State Budget for 2025 envisages a subsistence level of UAH 2920 and a minimum wage of UAH 8000, which is no different from the subsistence level in 2024. This is reported by UNN with reference to the draft law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025".


Starting from January 1, 2025, the subsistence level in Ukraine will be UAH 2,920 per person per month. The following figures are set for different social and demographic groups:

  • Children under 6 years old - 2563 UAH.
  • Children from 6 to 18 years old - 3196 UAH.
  • Able-bodied persons - UAH 3028.

For judges and employees of government agencies, customs, tax and prosecutors, the base salary will be set at UAH 2,102.

Persons who have lost their ability to work - UAH 2361, and for those who live in radioactively contaminated areas - UAH 1600. 

The minimum wage will not change either, and will remain at UAH 8,000.

Держбюджет на 2025 рік: куди та як витрачатимуться кошти14.09.24, 16:41

In addition, the minimum wage used to calculate payments under court decisions will be determined on the basis of the subsistence minimum specified in the law and will amount to UAH 2,102.


The head of the Ministry of Social Policy announced plans to replace the subsistence minimum with an individual social payment. The new system will take into account family composition and will be provided for disability care and support for people facing poverty.

Проєкт Держбюджету-2025: курс - 45 грн/долар, інфляція - 9,5%, ВВП - 2,7%13.09.24, 21:56

Iryna Kolesnik



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