
Syrsky: Delays in US military aid led to setbacks on the battlefield and a drop in morale

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Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky said that delays in US military aid had caused serious setbacks on the battlefield and a drop in morale. He thanked Western allies for their support and emphasized the importance of unity.

Delays in US military aid have not only caused setbacks on the battlefield, but also led to a drop in morale. This was stated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrsky in an interview with CNN, reports UNN.  

“...delays in US military aid did lead to serious setbacks on the battlefield and led to a drop in morale - which is still a problem,” the publication quoted Syrsky as saying.

He said he often travels to the front line and spends time with his troops.

“We speak the same language... we understand each other regardless of who I'm talking to - whether it's a private soldier, a rifleman, for example, or a brigade commander, or a battalion commander,” he said.

Україна компенсує нестачу озброєння ефективністю та технологіями - Сирський 05.09.24, 21:01

“I've been in this war since 2014,” he said, referring to Russia's invasion of Donbas 10 years ago. “In other words, the front line is my life. We understand each other, I know all the problems that our servicemen, soldiers and officers are experiencing,” he added.

Syrsky concluded his candid interview by thanking Ukraine's Western allies for their support. Switching from Ukrainian to English, he said: “Together we are stronger. Together we can win.

Ми перенесли бойові дії на територію противника, щоб ворог відчув те, що відчуваємо ми щодня - Сирський05.09.24, 20:49

Antonina Tumanova



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