
Syniehubov: Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupiers have killed more than 2800 people in Kharkiv region, including 82 children

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Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 2,800 people have been killed by the Russian occupiers in the Kharkiv region, including 82 children, the youngest of whom is 5 months old, with the actual number of victims likely higher due to unexplored mass graves.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupiers have killed more than 2,800 people in the Kharkiv region, but this figure may be higher because there are still mass graves that cannot be accessed. We also know about 82 children killed by Russia in the region. The youngest of them was only 5 months old, said Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv RMA, during a telethon, UNN reports.

If we take into account the beginning of the full-scale invasion, this figure reaches more than 2,800 people, and this is not the final figure, because there are still mass graves that we cannot reach, they are located near the border. However, according to witnesses, people who testified after the de-occupation of our territories pointed to these places. Therefore, unfortunately, the number of victims is much higher. Today we can talk about 82 children killed by Russia on our territory. The youngest of them was only 5 months old 

- Syniehubov said.


Six men, including a doctor-intern, an anesthesiologist, drivers, a civilian man and the head of the Vovchansk MVA, sustained explosive wounds of varying severity as a result of hostile shelling of Buhaivka village, Kharkiv region, with cluster munitions.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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