
Stroke is "getting younger" and is increasingly diagnosed in middle-aged people, warns the Ministry of Health

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The Ministry of Health reminds that more and more young people have recently begun to suffer from stroke. This is stated in an article by neurologist Anastasia Gonchar, cited by the Ministry of Health, UNN reports.


The article reminds us that a stroke is an acute emergency condition when blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. Approximately 15 million people worldwide suffer from stroke every year. 10 million of them die or become permanently disabled.

At the same time, the disease has been "getting younger" lately. According to the World Stroke Organization, as of 2019, more than 62% of stroke cases occurred in people under the age of 70.

In Ukraine, medical care for acute cerebral stroke is included in the Medical Guarantees Program. A person suspected of having a stroke receives the necessary diagnosis and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment free of charge

- the article says.

The Ministry of Health, together with the team of the evidence-based health information platform Take Care of Yourself, told about the causes of stroke and how to prevent it.

Causes of stroke

A stroke occurs when the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain is limited or completely stopped. In 85% of cases, this is due to an artery blockage (ischemic stroke). A less likely cause (15% of cases) is an artery rupture and hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke).

Медична реформа: МОЗ змінює підходи до лікування інсультів26.10.22, 15:05 • [views_342795]

Many factors can affect the risk of stroke. Some of them cannot be controlled, while others can be influenced. 90% of strokes can potentially be prevented by adjusting some risk factors.

What to do to prevent stroke?

Work with risk factors that you can influence. Especially if you have a family history of stroke.

  • regularly measure blood pressure;
  • treat hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease in a timely manner and in accordance with doctor's prescriptions;
  • periodically make a lipidogram;
  • maintain a balanced diet;
  • be physically active;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • deal with stress, depression, etc.

How to recognize a stroke?

There is a special F.A.S.T. scale that is quite easy to memorize. It can be used to identify a stroke in time:

  • F (face) - asymmetry of the face (ask the person to smile - you will immediately notice if there is an asymmetry);
  • A (arm) - weakness of the arm (ask the person to raise both arms);
  • S (speech) - speech impairment (ask to repeat a simple sentence);
  • T (time) - if you have any of the above signs, call 103 immediately!

5 найкращих цільнозернових продуктів у разі резистентності до інсуліну02.04.24, 07:30

Anastasia Ryabokon



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