
Stoltenberg on the NATO Summit: I am confident that it will demonstrate strong support for Ukraine

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is confident that the upcoming Washington summit will demonstrate NATO's unwavering and resolute support for Ukraine in terms of both immediate and long-term assistance.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is confident that the Washington summit of the Alliance will demonstrate NATO's unwavering and strong support for Ukraine. He said this during a press conference, an UNN correspondent reports.

I am absolutely confident that this summit will demonstrate NATO's unwavering and strong support for Ukraine. In particular, when we talk about immediate support, as well as long-term support, because Ukraine needs both. It's very important that Ukraine  gets what it needs today, because over the last few weeks our allies, including Belgium and others,  have been talking about stepping up what they will give  to Ukraine 

- Stoltenberg said.


Ukraine's Vice Prime Minister Olga Stefanyshyna statedthat the decisions prepared for the Washington summit will signal to Russia that Putin's ultimatums will not affect the allies' strategic decisions on Ukraine's future NATO membership.

On May 29, Stefanishyna statedthat the issue of inviting Ukraine to NATO remains on the agenda. At the same time, it is no secret that the United States and Germany do not currently support a consensus on setting a timeframe for integration. 

In March 2024, Stefanishyna saidthat the key opponents of Ukraine's invitation to NATO were the United States and Germany. At the time, she said, the allies urged Kyiv not to spoil the "atmosphere" at the Washington summit. 

Anna Murashko



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